
Adventures in Learning Film Photography

Reflection #2: Social Media and Me

I have never shied away from social media platforms. I have heard the tales, witnessed the stories, and been warned about the pros and cons of presenting oneself on the internet. I have internalized those fears all while jumping off the edge into the muddied waters of social media’s seas. Nonetheless, recognizing the need to construct a shield and arm myself to the best of my abilities and the privacy settings provided to me.

Social media and me. We have been intertwined for as long as I can remember. I have sought out its algorithms to affirm, to define and to discover my own identity. Some accounts last mere months, while others undergo continual curation and growth. In the end, I have found a purpose for the social media platforms I now frequent: Facebook is the window into community and communication, while Instagram is the frame through which art and creativity reign.

Today however I’m left reflecting on how the relationship between social media and me will transform as an educator. What platforms will I expand to? How will what I post change?

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