
Adventures in Learning Film Photography

Reflection #1: My Mindset

My mind has toyed with the idea of creating a blog for years. There have been multiple instances where I’ve opened up WordPress and followed the ‘sign-up’ clickthrough, finally ready to take the plunge. Every time I’ve closed the window before finishing. I back out and succumb to feelings of doubt and the looming cloud of imposters syndrome.  And so my photographs, my words, my thoughts and my inner self have remained hidden from the realm of the self-nurtured blog. Until today.

Today I find myself here, writing my first ever blog post. Unlike all the times before the desire and drive are not entirely my own, my education proved to be the final nail in the coffin. My education is the reason I am diving headfirst into this endeavour: self-expression wrapped in a veil of vulnerability and freedom. Even though it still feels daunting and scary and heavy, I’m excited. I can’t help but feel that after all these years what I lacked was external motivation, the pressure that comes with a school task, accountability that wasn’t all my own.
