
Adventures in Learning Film Photography

Film Photography: My Photography Notebook

I love notebooks and journals! On the average day I find myself flipping through the pages of at least three, each with their own specific purpose. And so, it only felt natural to have a notebook dedicated to my inquiry. I wanted it to be small and easy to carry around, but also big enough that I don’t use it and can write in it easily. Needless to say, I spent a while hunting for one that fit into the image I’d created in my mind.


Since I’ll be carrying around a notebook, I figured it would be a great place to keep a little cheat sheet. That way when I stumble over my dials and their significance, the information I need would be directly on hand. The little page I created has room to add more, but I believe it captures the few reminders that I need.


As I annotate every exposure, I’ve chosen a table format for each page. The table I’m using is specific for the Asahi and the settings at my disposal with an automatic shutter speed.


And the adventures into film photography continue…

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