When I reflect on my adventure into film photography to date, I can clearly see the foundation I’ve been building. The slow progress and trek up the hill towards the space where I am able to confidently take analogue photographs. I’ve focused on the knowledge side of things, and the process and documentation practices. Yet the truth of the matter is creativity is a rollercoaster. It is something that can feel arbitrary and hard to manifest. I find that creativity doesn’t always emerge just because you want it to. And so there are days where I carry around my camera, look about the world around me, and see nothing I want to capture. Then there are days where the way the fading sun hits a certain patch of leaves in enamouring, but my camera is nowhere in sight. I’m trying to seek out a balance. I want to lessen the peaks and valleys of my creativity rollercoaster. I want to train my eye to discover the frames beyond the monotony. Something which is feeling like a never ending up hill battle.

Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash
Film Photography: A Rollercoaster of Creativity
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Posts by emh
Reflection #10 – Coding in the Classroom
Reflection #9 – Gaming, Technology and the Classroom
Mental Health in Classrooms: Meditation and Mindfulness
Reflection #8: Technology and Inclusion
Film Photography: The End of the Seemingly Endless Roll
03/29/2021 — 12:42 PM
You so eloquently describes what so many creatives experience – days with more motivation for the craft than others. For this reason I think the arts are so great for teaching resilience!